Martes, Nobyembre 6, 2012

You, Jerk, You

I have just endured hours of trash talk from a colleague. And since we share the same office space, it took all my might not to cover my ears and yell at him to shut up. I cannot stand him and he knows that, even if he claims to be clueless as to why I hate his pompous guts.

Every time he opens his mouth, all I ever hear is how great, how smart, how good looking he is, etc. It would not have bothered me if all of these were true. But he must be really delusional since he is actually the opposite of everything he claims to be.

He’s lazy. He does not come to work. And when he does, all he ever does is sit around and talk about, again, how great he is. He thinks he’s ahead of everybody just because he’s taking law.  Gack! I know a lot of stupid lawyers. He has not yet finish law school but he sure is already acting like one.

And what pisses me off is the way he brags about the girls he cheated his wife with. Duh! As if that is something to brag about. But he’s probably one of those men who think being  a man means having a lot of women on the side despite having a ring on his finger. Asshole. And the jerk had the nerve to tell me that I would be more likable if I only I have a nicer personality. That way, I'd be able to meet a guy willing to marry me. As if! 

First of all, I am nice to people I like. I don't like him. Hate him, actually. Second of all, I don't like to pretend to be someone I'm not just to snag a husband. But then, I'm not interested in having a husband, not now, anyway. The jerk thinks he knows me. 

What pisses me off more is because he is the classic example of “life being unfair”. He sits around moping all day, doing nothing, that is if he ever went to work and then voila! He got promoted. WHAT THE FUCK?! And he is so full of it. Did he ever think that he deserved it? Hell no! He became more pompous than ever. And I am so sick of it, so sick of him. *Mentally strangles the person in question*

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